Autoglym Autofresh 500ml
Autoglym Autofresh 500ml
Everyone loves a great smelling car and with Autofresh you get that every time you open the door.
For long lasting freshness, spray onto your carpets and fabric mats.
Apply sparingly to carpets or trim fabric. Remove unwanted over spray with a clean microfibre cloth. Avoid use on nubuck leather, suede, plastic and painted surfaces.
0% interest for 4 months on purchases over £99
Balances after this period or transactions under £99 are charged interest at the standard variable rate. The minimum payment due still applies to 0% offer balances. Any remaining balance due after the 4-month promotional period or any transactions under £99.00 will be charged interest at 23.9% p.a. (variable). In order to maintain the 0% offer, you need to keep up monthly repayments and stay within your credit limit.