
Clutch Dampers

Clutch Dampers

Clutch dampers prevent excessive vibration in your car’s drivetrain. Want to stop the parts in your transmission from breaking or wearing out too quickly? Replace worn clutch dampers with cheap, high-quality parts from CarParts4Less.co.uk.

A clutch damper usually sits in the centre of the flywheel. It works by restricting movement of free-spinning gears and absorbing the fluctuations in engine speed. By reducing vibration it ensures that u-joint gears, synchroniser pins and other parts stay in place and in good condition. By reducing noise levels, the clutch damper gives you a peaceful driving experience. Due to constant use, you should replace your damper every two years. A faulty damper will result in noticeable vibration through the engine block and floor of your car. You may also hear rattling and ‘chirping’ noises. Manufacturers use different types of clutch dampers to manage the specific needs of the cars they make. As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. When the time comes, browse Car Parts 4 Less for huge savings on the perfect replacement clutch dampers. We sell parts for every make and model.