Wiper blades play a crucial role in keeping you and your windscreen protected against all the elements, like snow, rain, and even debris. Sometimes, things can go wrong with your wipers, and can cause all sorts of headaches. One common issue is when windscreen wipers judder, causing a squeaking sound that can be bothersome for drivers. So, let’s find out how you can stop your windscreen wipers from juddering and ways you can prevent this from happening again.
Why Are My Windscreen Wipers Juddering?
The juddering, squeaking, or rattling sound you may be experiencing is usually due to the condition of either your wiper blades or windscreen glass. This is because dirt or debris gets trapped underneath the rubber, causing the wipers to stick. As a result, you will need to repair the problem or consider a wiper blade replacement.
How To Fix Common Issues
Clean Windscreen Glass
A common issue is when a film of dirt and debris begins to build up on the windscreen and obstruct the flow of your wiper blades, causing them to stick and judder. To prevent this, wash and dry the windshield as normal, then apply a specialised glass cleaner to your windscreen using a microfibre cloth. This should remove any remaining dirt that’s affecting the wiper blades’ performance.
Apply Glass Sealant To Reduce Friction
Applying a glass sealant to your windshield is a useful way of preventing your wiper blades from sticking or juddering. This is because they contain fibre-like structures that work to decrease the friction on the windshield glass. Once you’ve applied the sealant, your wiper blades should then operate smoothly.
Ensure The Blades Are Clean
If you’re experiencing a juddering noise, then this may be due to a build up of dirt or debris on the wiper blades, causing the rubber to drag across your windscreen. In this case, you simply need to give the blades, arms and hinges a good clean with warm, soapy water to remove any build up. Rinse the blades with clean water to remove soap residue.
Check Your New Wiper Blades
If you’ve recently replaced your wiper blades for a new pair, then it may be a case of simply adding moisture to them. At this point, engage your windscreen washer to help reduce the friction. Once you’ve done this, they should then operate smoothly.
How To Maintain Wipers
Readjust Your Wipers
Whether your windscreen wipers are too tight or loose, tweaking them slightly may have a huge impact on their performance. To avoid any juddering, gently move the rubber section of the windscreen wipers to and fro with your hand, until you feel them starting to loosen up. If this doesn’t work, try using a standard spanner to readjust the windscreen wipers positioning.
Try To Soften The Rubber
Over a period of time, the rubber underneath your wiper blades can harden and stiffen. This can happen for multiple reasons, like when they’re exposed to direct sunlight, therefore reducing their effectiveness. When this happens, the rubbers don’t glide against the glass smoothly, and instead begin to judder.
To fix this, try rubbing vinegar on a cloth and wipe underneath the wiper blade, focusing on the rubber section. Wipe the place twice to make sure that the vinegar has soaked in properly. After doing this, the rubber should then soften and begin to feel flexible again.
Refill The Wiper Fluid
Wiper fluid is critical in keeping your windshield and blade lubricated, as well as ensuring you have clear visibility to drive safely. So, you should refill the tank as soon as you notice it has run out. There’s a variety of screenwash available.
Car Part Replacements
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